5 Ply Chinese Woks

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Chinese Wok

櫻花牌 - 美國18 /10合金五層鑊

櫻花 五層鑊 是將現代科技結合於烹飪廚具

- 用優質美國五層18 /10複合金製造, 傳熱快速, 能令烹調熱力散佈均勻

- 五層18 /10複合金有高密度和硬度,堅固耐用, 不受化學變化食物不易沾鑊和燒焦 , 易清洗, 不藏污垢

 - 更有免水低溫功能, 保存食物原汁原味及營養

 Sakura 5 ply stainless steel woks – the product of modern technology – are the best Chinese wok creation. The outermost and innermost layers are 18/10 stainless steel, between these layers are comprised of  two layers of pure aluminum, with a middle layer of extra thick aluminum alloy. The inner aluminum transmits heat evenly and rapidly, while the outer stainless steel prevents food from sticking to the surface of the wok and will not oxidize. 



1. Stainless Steel 
2. Pure Aluminum
3. Aluminum Alloy
4. Pure Aluminum
5. Stainless Steel



Contact Information

Sakura USA Co., L.L.C.
336A 12th Street, Oakland, CA 94607        Tel: 510-268-1188  Fax: 510-268-8188   Toll Free: 888-679-2888

General Information: sales@sakurausa.com